Environmental Business Portraits

A business portrait is often the first impression we make with our potential clients or employers. The importance of having a business portrait that reflects your professionalism and authenticity can not be overestimated. With the explosion of social media and online marketing for businesses,  your image is more visible today than ever before. Brighton Photography will capture your portrait to truly reflect your personal and business brand.

On-location, professional images at your business or location of your choosing. You will receive all of your favorite photos and choose at least three images at the time of the shoot that will be edited and retouched in high resolution and web-ready color JPEG files.

Need more than one portrait? Scroll down to check out my sliding scale pricing for multiple portraits.

This offer is relative to the number of portraits requested at one time; more portraits = bigger discount.

For a large number of portraits, I am able to complete each in approximately 10 minutes. Each individual will choose one image at the time of the shoot that will be edited and retouched for both high resolution and web-ready color JPEG files.
The sliding scale pricing is as follows:

1 Portrait - $150 each. 2 Portraits - $150 each. 3 Portraits - $140 each

4 Portraits - $110 each 5 to 8 Portraits - $90 each 9 to 12 Portraits - $75 each

13 to 17 Portraits - $50 each”

“Sliding Scale Portrait Rate


Actor's Headshots


Group Portraits